
Ich bin geboren!

I tend to find myself really turned off by anyone who sticks strictly to the anime style of drawing. Especially any American or anyone that isn't from some country who founded the type of style. There are so many people who draw that way folks, stop copying it and get your own style. You go to places like www.deviantart.com and other art gallery submission type sites and you will see a huge flood of these types of drawings, they are not unique nor professional. For folks who want to be illustrators, my advice is to avoid this style, let it maybe introduce you to the world of animation or illustration, but do not rely on it as a crutch, it will ultimately get you nowhere in the world of competitive illustration. Because honestly if I am turned off by seeing it everywhere, and I even like the style a small amount, imagine how normal folks who are not into the Anime scene will view your work? Don't worry about that actually, because they probably will never be viewing your work. 



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